Dr. Ansar Abbas is an Associate Professor at Muslim Youth University's MY Business School in Islamabad. After completing his doctoral studies at the University of Airlangga in Surabaya, Indonesia, he was given an Airlangga Development Scholarship. Dr. Abbas has a reasonable business, management, leadership, and organizational behavior research background in areas concerned with the effect of value systems on organizational performance. It also focuses on the relationship between Economic growth and the impact of technology on business strategy. He also contributes to publications regularly and shares his work at both the national and global levels.

Many publications have already been published in prestigious journals, but professionals are still reviewing others. His comprehensive work encompasses leadership theory and psychology, modern slavery, the production of value in human capital, and the positive and negative elements of psychology, spirituality, and intellect, among other topics. It also encompasses creating research models, frameworks, and studies on positive psychology and well-being. Furthermore, he broadens his knowledge by engaging in critical academic events, editorial and review processes, and contributing to the advancement of research.  In addition, he is engaged in some research partnership initiatives with his peers from around the world. Tasks in this category frequently involve providing feedback on academic writing and coordinating creative projects. Academic writing often requires specialized knowledge and experience in the subject matter, so providing feedback from an academic perspective is essential. Coordinating creative projects requires a good understanding of the creative process, the ability to stay organized, and the ability to communicate with the team involved effectively. He has experience teaching, conducting research, and working in administration. He profoundly understands the academic writing process and can provide valuable insight into theories and frameworks. His career has lasted 15 years and is continually expanding.  He also embraced an insightful understanding of the higher education system, including the roles of teachers, staff, and students. He has observed the educational system's intricacies, methods, and systems in Pakistani higher education. He has continued to observe stakeholders interacting and approaching tasks and procedures, refining his comprehension of the system and its responsibilities. He utilized this knowledge to provide innovative ideas, enable stakeholder communication, and promote harmony.

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