The department of Electrical Engineering offers BS (EE) with specialization in the areas of Telecommunications, Electronics, and Computer Engineering. The academic program is based on guidelines from PEC. Our students are a vibrant bunch who come from various parts of Pakistan. The first and the second batch of our graduates, after getting accreditation from Pakistan Engineering Council, are already out in the field. Our departmental staff comprises three PhDs, five MSs in Electrical Eng., two lab engineers, and two lab assistants.
MY University is a springboard for learning. It is committed to high quality teaching with a thriving interactive culture. That's why we have established a strong support system between students and staff. They work on professionalism, teamwork, respect, integrity, mentorship, systems thinking and communication skills. We intend to recruit a diverse intake of students – the best and the truest of a kind – as it is our vision to see the institution par excellence in the days ahead.