MYU Campus.

Event Description

On June 6, 2023, Department of English conducted a Board of Studies (BOS) at Conference Room, MY University, in which two external experts from academia Dr. Inayat Ullah Khan Khattak and Dr. Rooh-ul- Amin along with the Internal members, Dean of Languages and Literature/Chairperson, Department of English, Dr. Shabnum Sayed Hussain and faculty members of English Department(Dr. Iesar, Dr. Sundas, Mr. Tahir, Ms. Madiha and Ms. Pinkish) discuss various aspects related to the Scheme of Studies, department's curriculum, teaching methodologies, and overall academic development.

During the meeting, faculty members and experts shared their valuable insights and experiences, bringing forth ideas to refine the department's vision and mission. They also engaged in lively discussions regarding the enhancement of course offerings, incorporating contemporary literary works, and integrating innovative teaching approaches as per HEC policy to cater to the evolving needs of students.
Overall, the Board of Studies meeting was a significant step in ensuring the continuous improvement of English education at MY University. It highlighted the department's dedication to providing students with a comprehensive and transformative learning experience, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the globalized world.