Programs - MPhil English Literature

Introduction and Objectives

The main objectives to launch MPhil program are to contribute to the capacity building of English language teaching (ELT) experts in the country and to explore and promote English literature through high quality research particularly focusing on current and future needs of the country. Secondly, there is a high demand for English professionals across Pakistan to serve in various fields (inter alia, federal, and provincial management through CSS/PMS, at tertiary and higher educational institutions and in armed forces). Thirdly, ELT professionals from across the country have been demanding for the launch of this program at the MY platform through unconventional (hybrid/weekend programs) means of education. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that there is a high number of ELT professionals working in the far-flung areas of the country who intend to enhance their professional qualifications, but they find no such program offered by public or private universities (a hybrid/weekend program). Other objectives include:


  • To produce dynamic individuals who are competent in English language and critical thinking for the local and global job market.
  • To contribute to the development of professionals and practitioners who are sensitive to language use and culture.
  • To develop scholars and researchers who can conduct cutting edge and relevant research in linguistics, applied linguistics, and literature.
  • To train professionals from the public and private sector to be specialists in the English language.
  • To enhance awareness of English language skills and teaching practices.
  • To improve academic writing and soft skills of post graduate research students in English.


MPhil English is a potential program to attract English teachers at tertiary (subject specialists at SS and HSS level) as well as higher education (colleges and universities) level. It is a very popular degree program being offered by many major universities (including NUML, IIUI, Foundation University, Comsats and Air University). But there is no such program being offered by any university, public or private, in terms of a hybrid or weekend program basis. Moreover, no public sector university is offering this program in a flexible mode of study that could be affordable to on-job officials who cannot leave their homes and jobs for a long time for conventional mode of study. Many Pakistani ELT experts are working abroad (mainly in Gulf and Arab countries) and the demand for MPhil qualified teachers is increasing day by day. There are several academic and professional positions vacant in public and private universities and government colleges in the discipline of English owing to the lack of specialized manpower having MPhil qualifications. The fee package of some of the private universities offering this program is not affordable to many of the interested candidates. Therefore, the afore-mentioned circumstances demand this program to be offered at the MYU.

Entry Requirements (Admission Criteria)

MPhil in English is a merit-based program. Any candidate having master’s degree in English language and literature, ELT and TEFL with at least second division of 45% marks in annual system (or GPA 2.50/4 or 3.50/5 in semester system) from an HEC-recognized institution can apply for admission.  The admission merit will be determined as under:

Academic record (max 5 marks)

  • Matriculation (60% marks or GPA 3 or 4/5) =1 mark
  • Intermediate (60% marks or GPA 3/4 or 4/5) = 1 mark
  • Bachelors (60% marks or GPA 3/4 or 4/5) = 1 mark
  • Masters (60% marks or GPA 3 or 4) = 1 mark
  • Master’s thesis, if opted and passed = 1 mark
  • Publications (max 5 marks)
  • Paper(s) published in HEC- recognized journals, one mark for each paper.
  • Other, additional qualifications (max 5 marks)

GAT/Entry Test

The applicants will be required to submit their GAT (General) result card (scoring 50% and above) as taken by NTS or any other organization established for the purpose. However, in case of university developed test, the pass marks will be 60% as per the existing rules of the university and the HEC of Pakistan.


Oral, face- to -face interview to judge the suitability of the candidate for the program (max 20 marks).

Note1: Written test and interview will be conducted at Main Campus, MY university, Japan road, Islamabad. No TA/DA or other expenses will be on the part of MY university.

Interested candidate will be required to purchase prospectus and send admission form along with required documents (except fee) directly at the following address before the closing date:

Note2: Student should write “Mphil/PhD Admission Form” on the envelope. After merit determination, the University would inform all those candidates whose names would come on merit. The letter would also contain an admission offer along with information of depositing prescribed fee. Candidates are advised to keep on watching MY university website ( for updates.

Duration of the Program

This program spans a minimum of two years duration, one year for coursework and one year for thesis writing and submission. The extensions in coursework and thesis may be granted as per existing MY university rules and HEC rules.

MPhil Coursework

There will be a two-semester MPhil coursework of 24 credit hours, consisting of eight courses of three credit hours each. Besides, there will be six credit hours research work (thesis) during the third semester and onward. The semester-wise breakup of the courses is as under.

Scheme of Studies


Course Title

Course Codes

Credit Hours




Modern Literary Cultural Research Methodology

South Asian Anglophone Literature

Globalization and World Literature








Semester 2






Modern Literary Theories and Criticism

Shakespearean Study

Modern Fiction











Semester 3







Postcolonial Studies

Romantic Age Literature













Total Cr Hrs (as per HEC format)



Research Proposal and Thesis

In third semester students will be given a stipulated time as per MY university rules to prepare and submit their research proposal against the approved topic. New, innovative, and interdisciplinary research topics/problems with reference to Pakistan will be emphasized aimed at contributing to English knowledge. After approval of their research proposal via a committee as per MY university procedure they would work on their thesis under the guidance of a research supervisor. The proposed list of internal/external members of research proposal, review committee and thesis supervisors will be sent to the competent authority for approval, when needed. All other matters relating to thesis submission date, extension(s), evaluation/assessment, grading, and result/degree will be dealt with as per MY university rules and guidelines.


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