Logo Colors

Knowledge and Spirituality

Passion and Power

Peace and Loyalty

MY University Logo

Logo Elements

Golden Grill:
The golden grill on red background is the true inspirational image of the original at the front of the Roza-e- Rasool (Sallā -llāhu ʿalayhī wa-ʾālihī wa-sallama).

Falcon (Shaheen):
Special mention of Iqbal's poetry. He used it as a symbol of courage, strength, self-reliance and soaring skills for the Muslim Youth.

Is a common symbol of enlightenment and hope. A torch held up symbolizes life, truth and the regenerative power of flame.

In Greek and Roman mythology, it symbolized excellence in the art or sciences. A person so honored was known as a laureate, a word that continues to denote achievement today.

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Best University in Islamabad

MY University is a springboard for learning. It is committed to high quality teaching with a thriving interactive culture. That's why we have established a strong support system between students and staff. They work on professionalism, teamwork, respect, integrity, mentorship, systems thinking and communication skills. We intend to recruit a diverse intake of students – the best and the truest of a kind – as it is our vision to see the institution par excellence in the days ahead.

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